So I have been living in Utah for a little over a year and a half...that should've been ample time for me to learn and understand the grid system (which is the way the roads are set up), right? It seems easy enough when it's explained to me ...but for some reason I still get lost on a daily....no maybe bi-weekly basis. I use to always end up in Kerns every time I got lost(hence the title)...don't even ask me how or why but it is a true fact.
When I was living in Hawaii there was no way I could get lost. I could navigate around the island on auto pilot..but this is not Hawaii and I am wasting a ton of gas getting lost...so what is my solution? Well I was thinking of getting a GPS....but I fear I will mess with it too much when I'm driving...which is unsafe. (That being said I also text while I am driving which is ABSOLUTELY unsafe and I am desperately trying to rid myself of this habit...starting today :)) A lot of times I get distracted or I start singing a song that's playing on the radio and totally miss my turn or exit, then I don't know how to get back to where I need to be. I'll eventually find my way but it would be nice to know where I need to go and be able to go straight there.
I know you gotta be feeling a life lesson coming up next right :) ....
I know exactly where I want to be, what I want to be and what I want in my life....but my interpretation of the directions and my own distractions make getting to THAT PLACE (the place I need and want to be) a little difficult...will I eventually find my way?..Yes, however if I eliminate a lot of the distractions I might be able to get there quicker. So what should I let go of, or even add to my life to make my journey to THAT PLACE..less confusing, more efficient, and possibly more enjoyable? Well you're just not going to get an answer to that question today...but it definitely is something that is heavy on my mind.
I'll tell you one thing though I will forever be grateful to those who care enough to help me get back on track..AND have reminded me that I am on a journey...and not yet at THAT PLACE... Settling is for SUCKAS y'all.