Tuesday, December 28, 2010

...blank pages...

I walked all over the city of San Francisco yesterday. Well maybe not all over...but a fair amount of downtown SF. It was overcast all day but it was nice...I find that I am more present when the weather is bad...then when it is sunny and beautiful. Probably because when the sun is out and the sky is blue...my thoughts turn to other locations and times I've been in. So yesterday I was keenly aware of my surroundings and the strangers that inhabited my space.

I like meeting new people. Everyone has a story and I think it's pretty facinating to hear others experiences and what they have done with their lot in life.

Most peoples stories are a mix of many different kinds of experiences, some are sad, humourous, exciting, boring..or even dramatic. I was walking by all these people milling around the streets of San Francisco wondering how their experience has been thus far..how they feel about their journey....and their quality of life. Would they change things?...or do they feel it's too late. Then of course my thoughts turned to my own jouney.

As far as stories go...mine has been interesting. There have been some twists and turns...blessing beyond measure, heart breaks and triumphs...but that is my past..those experiences can never be changed...So the question of the hour is,

"What will I choose to be written on the blank pages ahead of me?"