Today was a perfect day to fly a kite. Unfortunately I do not at this time own a kite, but I did get to go out to Sugarhouse park and hang out there after work. Which is where I located a swing!!! So I did the obvious... I swinged? swung? How ever you say it....thats what I did :) It made me extreamly happy! Some may say that it's childish or immature to do something like that...but who really cares what those people say.
I think at times because of the way we would like our friends, family, or acquaintances to perceive us, or maybe because of the positions or roles that we have...we set these parameters on what is acceptable behavior. Which is a good thing...strong boundaries are important and helpful, but I think there are times when in all of the rules that we set up for ourselves for whatever reason
...if we're not careful...we can lose vital pieces of who we are... that make us unique.
I was talking to a friend today and she said that she had tried to blend in with her other friends growing up and that she suppressed pieces of herself to fit in...then she said something that really hit me...
"I tried so hard to blend in and was miserable about doing it, but I realized that I was meant to stand out".She didn't say it in a cocky way at all...she was just stating her truth.
I respect that.
She is confident in who she is. I waver on this sometimes..I'm not exactly sure why. A part of it may be my upbringing, but at some point everyone needs to step out of whatever shadow they've been behind and confidently come into their own.
I think at times I saw my own confidence as conceit...and I worried about feeling self-important, being self absorbed, and oblivious to the source of all I've been blessed with. I realize now that I can remedy that by always remaining grateful..and aknowledging the Lords hand in my life as well as being the source of all that is good.
So I am going to do my best to be confident in who I am and the direction I am going in and if that includes a little kite flying and swinging then so be it :)