Friday, April 22, 2011

"Only connect..." ~E. M. Forster

So the past 2 weeks I've thought a lot about how I connect with others. At times I have found that I'm not really present when interacting with friends, family, coworkers etc...I find myself going through the motions with my mind in other places, or going down my to do list, or planning my next road trip etc.

As this weighed on my mind more and more I thought about people who have wandered in my life and have wandered out for whatever reason...and I felt this sense of loss. I possibly missed out on my chance to really have a meaningful experience with them.

Which made me think about thing that I feel brings lasting joy in this life is the relationships and connections we make with others. I interact with a ton of different people daily...and granted not all of those interactions will be full of joy and actually some of them might be downright difficult or annoying...but there are a lot that aren't.
Am I even fully present in the moment to determine what kind of experience it is?
There are 100 and 1 small moments that happen throughout my day...
Theres bound to be some joy in a couple of those moments right?
But if I'm future tripping or list checking or off on a beach in my head...I've missed out.

So these last 2 weeks I've really focused on staying present and engaged and ...what do you know...
found me some joy.
I played 31 with a coworker and kicked his trash..I danced and sang with my brothers to some Janet Jackson (I really need to learn the Miss U Much dance routine..that would up my joy exponentially)...had lunch with a wonderful friend...played catch with a great dog...memorized my favorite song and played it on my uke for a friend...played with my beautiful niece...hung out with my family...rocked out to a middle school band with coworkers...talked with different clients...had a ton of great some great advice from someone I consider to be a mentor...took a walk with a friend...bowled a 77 and got schooled by some of my amazing staff... and the list goes on and on.

Only connect y'all...that's what its about.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

...Are you for real???!!!

I got a call today and here is how the conversation went:
Me: Hello this is Sue...
Caller: I was wondering where you work?
Me: The Homeless Youth Resource Center
Caller: Soooo....are you for real?
Me: Yup pretty much.
Caller: No I mean is this for real?...
Me: Ummm I am not sure what you are referring to..
Caller: There aren't really homeless youth in Utah right? I mean there just can't be, because if there were "we" wouldn't stand for it.
Me: Yes ma'am there are homeless youth in Utah...837 unduplicated clients walked through our doors last year for services and at our half way mark this year our numbers were up 25%
Caller: I just can't believe it!!!...BECAUSE if people knew that this was happening in Utah "we" would do something about it!!
Me: You would think right?
Caller: WELL HAVE YOU TOLD ANYONE ABOUT THIS??!!!! This just isn't right!!!...people would help if they knew!!!! people would give money...people need to know so they can help get these kids off the street!!!
Me: I agree..

So the conversation continued on. The lady that called me was upset and shocked that there were homeless youth in Utah...she initially was looking online for ways she could help homeless youth in New York because she felt bad that New York had this problem.

Then she found a link to our program and felt she just had to call just coulld not be true that there were youth living on the streets so close to home. She seemed like she sincerely wanted to help and was very genuine in her desire to jump in and do something. It was a great opportunity to educate her on homeless issues in Salt Lake County and specifically with youth.

So just in case you didn't know...
There are youth that are homeless in Utah.
It is an issue that belongs to all of us...and will affect everyone regardless of whether "we" know about it or not.

What really shocked me about the call was... the fact that she was so shocked.

Individuals that are experiencing homelessness..are not invisible. Their stories are covered in the news and in the papers. All you need to do is take a walk to the nearest mall, library, bus stop, shelter etc. and you will find them. The question is that "we" know the problem exists...what are "we" going to do about it?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fools Day

So at the end of a very long about 5:00pm on Friday I walked into my office and found this hotdog guy as well as 4 others sitting around my office hanging out. My staff had done this for me...and for some made me very happy...and a little grossed out. It was probably the best April Fools moment I've had in a long time.