Sunday, June 17, 2012

"Someone has to come down": Advice from my Dad

I had a dream last night about my dad. He was working out in the yard trying to move this boulder to the corner of an unfinished rock wall. He was wearing an ie lava lava and no shirt and pushing against this boulder to get it in place. I came out with some kool-aid for him. He stopped what he was doing and came and sat on a large tire with me...He started to talk...but the only thing I remember him saying when I woke up is..."Someone has to come down".

My dad would always say that when me and my siblings would get into arguments...or in Tita and Ati's case... fights with machete's and crow bars (still not sure who won that one).

In essence what my dad was saying was that someone has to be humble...someone has to be the first to say sorry.

When we were younger I'm sure in our minds we were like "Whatever dad, I'm not about to say sorry.It's their fault...." Of course we would never actually say that in my dads presence, mostly because talking back could have been hazardous to our health.

But now as an adult I see the wisdom in his made me think this morning if there is anyone out there who I have offended or have lost contact with due to a disagreement or misunderstanding... I couldn't think of any right now..though that's not to say that there may be people out there. If so I am determined to find them and try and right that situation...
It also made me think of my siblings... my brothers and sisters whom I love, who are so far away from me physically. Flash backs of moments with them and my dad are filling my mind and I wanted them to know just how much I love them and how grateful I am to be their sister, how I so pray that their lives are happy and fulfilling..and that they are surrounded with people who love and care for them.

And how that may mean I will attempt to call and stay in contact more (Yes that means stop screening my calls Tita!). :)

Thank you Dad for your advice...the scene in my dream was pulled from a real memory of him. All the work he does.. is for his family. He is who I set my work ethic by, his voice rings in my ear about being grateful when I forget how blessed I am.

My dad like everyone else has faults and flaws, but I love him so much and am so grateful for his advice, example and love. He has definitely helped me become the person I am today.