The literal translation of this phrase is "friends for all seasons and kin or family in moments of crisis". My dad would say this to us on occasion...and it would usually be when he thought we were putting our friends before our responsibilities or before each other.
The thought is that all friends are "fair weather friends". Meaning when the weathers great...they are there...but when the crap hits the fan and life gets a little stormy...they can't book out of there fast enough. (For the record I don't have friends like that.)

But my experience this Saturday does illustrate this phrase perfectly. My friend Angie gave me tickets to go to BYU's homecoming game against the Oregon State Beavers. I'm not a fan of either of these teams but I am a huge fan of sporting events. I love the excitement and energy in the stadium and love watching a good game. And by all standards this was a pretty good game. It was a close game both teams seemed to be hustling. The entire stadium was filled with BYU fans..and there were small pockets of orange representing OSU. It looked lilke the Cougars had a real shot until the close to the end of the 4th quarter. The 4th quarter is where the crap hit the fan...Oregon scored again and BYU got a few that point a quarter of the stadium started to stand up and leave. A QUARTER OF THE FANS LEFT THE STADIUM!!!! I was texting my friend Scott and was telling him about how disappointed I was in the fans.. he called them "Fair weather fans". So BYU was down by about ten with about 5 minutes remaining.
Do you know how many miracles or touchdowns can happen in a 5 minute period?? BYU needed Montana and Rice..add in Lott as well...if they were there they would create some miracles. No doubt.
Unfortunately Montana, Rice and Lott are retired and no one on that BYU field came close to their athleticism and chemistry...So 5 and a half minutes left on the clock and Oregon intercepts the ball. As soon as that happened
HALF of the stadium got out of their seats to head towards the parking lot. I was definitely one of them..mostly because I am not a BYU fan and didn't want to get caught up in traffic. But if the Niners were playing I would've stayed til the end.
Rain or or lose.. When "your team" is ride it out with them.
Now getting back to the whole "Uso aso vale" thing..I don't totally agree with that phrase. I have friends that I have been blessed with that are more like family to me that have truly been there for me that I love like family (you know who you are :)).
But I am also very blessed to have siblings that without doubt would be there for me..
.rain or or lose. When I'm emotional and feel like I hit a wall...or if I crashed through a gate and hit a house (hypothetically)...or if I decide to move to a very far and strange place..or when it's the holidays and I'm missing home..or when I'm doubting myself...or when I get in trouble for trespassing siblings would be there for me without question. (Well actually there may be many questions, but they would still be there....most them :)) I love them more than I can possibly express.

Its my little sisters birthday tomorrow. She will be 30 years old. I have been blessed to see her grow into a beautiful, passionate, confident, funny, loving...sometimes scary when she's mad, amazing young woman. I am so proud of her and all that she is accomplishing. She is definitely one of my siblings that without fail would be there for me. Happy Birthday Uso love you so so much:)