....feeling overwhelmed today...you ever feel that way? Where your heart feels weird and a little heavy and your stomach is in knots...there is no more room in my head...today is strange...even my music isn't soothing me.
Have you ever gotten pounded by a wave?...It can be scary...as beautiful as the ocean is...it can be powerful and merciless...I use to boogie board all the time; however I don't know how to swim. I loved being out there in the water and riding those waves on the shore breaks..it is such a peaceful mellow feeling to be out there... just as long as I had a leash on my board I felt okay. But there was this one time in particular that I will never forget.
I went out to Hukilau Beach by myself. It was during Christmas and usually at that time the waves can get pretty big...it didn't seem too bad that day...I remember it was a bit overcast but the water was nice and warm. Nobody was on the beach that morning and I was just enjoying how quiet it was. I wasn't paying much attention and before I knew it I was taken out further than I was use to, but I didn't panic because I had my leash on and I figured I'd just take the next wave in closer to the shore.
The phrase "never turn your back on the ocean" is commonly heard in Hawaii...and unfortunately I did just that...I didn't see the 3 waves that were coming towards me in succession ..nor did I realize their size until I turned and the first one was right over me...I was pounded and pinned to the ocean floor one minute then flipped around the next and just when I thought it would let up the next wave hit....and then the last one...The leash and my board were ripped off of my wrist and I swallowed so much water and was flipped around so much I wasn't sure I would make it..I thought I was going to drown. Fortunately for me every wave that hit me moved me closer and closer to the shore and eventually I was able to stumble and drag myself out of the water and back to the beach.
That's kind of where I'm at right now ...the first wave has hit me and now I'm floundering and waiting for the next two to do it's damage...but eventually I will drag myself out of this...and though I'll be a little shaken...I'll come out of this ...better...wiser...and hopefully even more grateful for another chance to ride again. I still don't know how to swim and it's been a little while since I've been boogie boarding ...but I would do it again in a heartbeat if I could..if you can handle getting pounded ...it makes riding a perfect wave all the more sweeter. You learn to appreciate the ocean for all it's beauty as well as respect all of it's power to bring you to your knees.
Life is not very different from the ocean. Here's hoping the waves hit me quickly so I can dust myself off and ride again.
You were feeling that way and all you did was support me during my rough day. What a pal! ( :
I finally feel like my waves have hit and I'm headed toward the shore. Hopefully you are starting to feel that way too.
awww aunty!! You made me cry. I was just thinking, "wow, I might've lost her!" I hope ur doing okay. I shall text you on my moms phone before she goes to work! I love you to pieces!
Sue, have I told you lately that I think you're the bestest? Cause you are. You always make me smile when I see you. :) I love the perspective you have on life and how things are... thank you so much for your blog posts!
Hey I'm sorry you were feeling junk and all I did was talk about the irrits-ness over here! I just want to remind you that we love you and that you should NEVER BOOGIE-BOARD IF YOU CAN'T SWIM!!!LOL!!!Sue I love you to more pieces than Iree Boy...I mean Girl:)
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