Last Friday night I went to an art show featuring local artists. It was beautiful, haunting, disturbing, powerful, and inspiring. I was in total awe by how they could translate what they were feeling into these amazing works of art. I also just got back from touring the Utah Opera. Now I'm not really into Opera. I like some classical music and some instrumental tracks,but I was blown away when I sat in on their rehearsal tonight. Their skill, talent, dedication to their art and just their pure enjoyment in what they were creating was so moving. I'm grateful I live in a place that is so rich in diversity and culture.
PS. Don't get me wrong I am very grateful for my talent of 'being a good friend" but sometimes I am a little envious...of those with the more obvious talents :)
sue -- u r so funny!
i enjoy art shows also. hawai'i had some really great ones. can't wait to get to utah to experience some of their cultural expressions.
have you ever thought of singing in an opera? okay, I'm just kidding!
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