My head is clearer when I am outside..enjoying nature and away from the noise of everyday life...I was feeling claustrophobic again inside. As soon as I got home from work I changed then went down to Liberty Park...it was pretty empty ...and it was quiet and peaceful. I put on my ipod and went for a walk. There are so many beautiful places in Utah that I would like to see.
This is a picture of Emerald Lake up by Mount Timpanogos. It's beautiful and I am going there....but I am far from in shape to reach this goal at the present time. I was initially going to go there this month. That was the plan...and like many ill conceived plans...if I were to go up there now I am unsure I would be able to complete it. So instead I am going to re look at my initial plan and factor in a few things that I did not.
1) Physical ability to do it...I am lacking in that area and need to change it or change my destination...since I REFUSE to change my destination..I obviously have to change my physical ability to make the trek. So I'm starting to exercise on a more consistent basis but I am also adding in small hikes every Saturday not only to get me ready...but also to see the end result of a hike...even if it's a small one. The stunning view at the end of a hike makes the journey worth it. (That's a good thing to remember when I'm half way through a hike and feel like I'm dying and want to give up). Giving up...not an option.
2) Time Frame...I said I would go up there this April, I don't think that was a realistic goal, but I am going to give myself until next April. That might seem like a long time to some but I want to make sure I am totally prepared for it. I will see how I feel about it in 6 months. If I feel good then maybe I will try in October.
When I feel something needs to happen...I tend to jump in and not let go until it does...which is mostly a good thing ...but a lot of times I refuse to see the obstacles that get in the way of completing what ever it is I'm trying to accomplish. Then when it doesn't happen I'm frustrated and defeated. I'm working on changing that about myself. To be open to see what the obstacles are and how to go about getting around them or over them or through them, but just acknowledging that obstacles exist is pretty important.
So for an experienced hiker I'm sure this particular journey is minor...but for me...at least for the next 6 to 12 months this hike is my Everest.

It's easy to get frustrated when trying to get something accomplished... I get frustrated with myself, with my progress... or lack there of, and I can get pretty impatient with where I am as opposed to where I think I should be...but I want this experience to be different...I hope to give myself and my body the time I need to not only get stronger but also just to enjoy the overall process.
If I can do that...this will be the first in a long list of Everest's I plan to conquer.
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