Got news yesterday that someone I knew passed away.....
Life is short if you really think about it in terms of eternity. We have this little bit of time to live, love, and learn how to find true happiness.
And since my time is so limited am I handling situations that come up in the right way? For instance would I be so quick to spend so much time on petty stuff...like minor disagreements, or if someone offended me or hurt me in anyway would I concentrate so much energy on being upset and retaliating..or would I be more apt to let things go or try and resolve things quicker instead of letting all of those hurt feeling fester and increase.
Also I've asked this in one of my other blogs....but why do I hold back? Why don't I say "sorry" sooner when I am in the wrong? I've seen that simple phrase begin the healing process of years of past hurt...So why is it so hard to say?...And if I feel I am "in the right"...do I just wait on the other person to say sorry?...Or can I find a way to at least start a dialog...so I don't lose weeks, or months, or even years with those that I love? Also Why don't I give compliments more freely to those around me when it pop into my head? Do I say "I care" or "I love you" to those that I have those feelings for?
So one thought is that pride might be one reason...or maybe shame...or maybe I am afraid of looking foolish...or maybe I don't want to acknowledge that I might be wrong. Looking inward to see my part in a bad situation is not an easy thing. Sometimes I might feel it is easier to not deal with things that have hurt me..or maybe times when I have hurt others or even neglected to express my feelings. But is that easier really?
I have regrets that I live with daily....
I would give anything for a few minutes with my mom...just to make sure she knew that I loved her, how deeply sorry I am that I didn't write her more and how I wish I went to see her when she was sick.
I would give anything to go back in time to write a letter to my cousin who wrote me before her passing to let her know I got her letter, and that I love her, and that life gets better.
I would let my cousin Luis know how I looked up to him growing up and how great he was at trying to bring the family closer together.
I would let my client know that he did make so much progress from the first time he entered the doors, how much hope I see in him, and to never give up.
Those are just wishes...after thoughts..and "should haves"...but what I can do right now is try my hardest to say sorry sooner, genuinely compliment others, forgive quicker and tell the people that mean the most to me just how much I love them. DEFINTIELY EASIER SAID THAN DONE...but possible.
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