There is something refreshing about going away and unplugging...from your everyday life...of work, responsibilities and obligations..and just being in the moment. I just got back from Goblin Valley State Park. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!! It really was like being a kid again..we spent most of the day climbing on weird rock formations and exploring. I know that must sound incredibly boring to some but I had such a great time. I was a little reluctant about going because of the fact that we would be camping overnight. Ever since I left Samoa I said I would NEVER EVER EVER on my own accord go camping, but it was SO MUCH FUN!! We roasted hot dogs and I had my very first S'more or is it shmore..whatever..the graham cracker, marshmallow, chocolate thing and it was WONDERFUL!!! We played...laughed a lot...talked..ate..took pictures ..and just hung out. There was no cell phone reception in the area, which actually was a good thing. Sometimes u just want to disconnect and go somewhere to clear ur head and to just be... present. It was nice to see families out enjoying the park. In the morning when we were breaking camp these 4 little boys were playing tag on the mountain. It was nice to see kids having fun without being totally focused on their ipod, or nintendo DS, or attached to a cell phone. They were playing tag...not as a app on their iphone..or on the wii...but they were playing real honest to goodness old fashion tag.
It really was an amazing trip...I can't wait to go again!!!