It was the "crap I'm going to do something that I am not good at" kind of scary. So what was it?...What was so scary that it topped being in the next horror flicc or almost dying on Bangerter Hwy?.....I took part in a presentation.
Not scary you say? Perhaps. It was a 7 hour presentation and I spoke may be at most about a 45 minutes....I can understand people not feeling like it's such a big deal.
But it was for me.
I prepped for this for weeks no actually for months. It was information that I knew...information I believe was important. Yet I was just mediocre. I'm not being modest...or fishing for compliments...I was 100% mediocre.
Even though I believed in what I was saying and knew the information...I was less than average. There are some things I excel working with people. I love it..I think I do it well. It is an area that I feel confident in. Power point presentations and public speaking....not so much. But I really want to get better at it.
I stuttered through it, forgot a bunch of things to say...and really just had no flow. It seriously baffled me. Just like a scout, I WAS PREPARED!!!!!! So what happened??!! I have no clue, but I have decided that I just need to present and speak in front of crowds more often. I hate it and I suck at it....but I really want to change that.
This is not just a self improvement kind of thing; I am the program director of a detox facility in Salt Lake City..we serves over 1600 clients a year which 85 to 90% of our clients are homeless. This is a population that I love and am honored to advocate for, I am passionate about educating the community at large about addiction and the barriers and challenges that my clients face on their journey of recovery.
But if I can't even speak well in front of people I know, about a topic that I actively take part in on a weekly basis...How can I advocate well for my clients???? If I don't try my very best to get better at this ...I have done them and my program a disservice.
So this is my plan of action:
1. Do more presentations and never turn down an opportunity to speak! (even though writing that already causes me some anxiety)
2. Conduct a monthly training at my agency's training institute..this will force me to get up in front of people every month to present.
3. Study up on techniques and strategies people use that may have the same problem.
Just because something is hard and not fun most of the time and causes insomnia and major anxiety is no reason not to do it :)
I can do this! I just have to work at it. Wish me luck!