Monday, January 9, 2012


I have had "paths" on my mind lately...I like taking pictures of paths or roads leading to somewhere...somewhere better..somewhere else..somewhere healing..somewhere challenging..somewhere safe
Some may say that a persons socioeconomic status, the neighborhood they grew up in, the type of environment they lived in (whether it was abusive or not), their family dynamics, their ethnicity, their school district etc., can determine the type of life they will most likely live. I know these studies can be fairly accurate and that they are done to provide information and help in some way etc, etc..but there is something in me that fights against it.
The mere fact that some feel that they can look at my life put all the facts in a blender and suddenly determine the life I most likely will have. Pisses me off. It reeks of arrogance, judgement and a disregard of the intangibles. Intangibles, like the strength of a persons determination, their hope, drive and passion, courage, faith or just sheer stubbornness.
I know that the paths I may want for myself may be made more challenging because of all of those factors mentioned earlier.. but they are not closed off to me...I may have to go through a few more obstacles than others...but I will get there...and the challenges will just make me stronger.
I have really been blessed to be surrounded with people who have helped me along my chosen paths. Friends and family who celebrate with me when I accomplish things, encourage me when I have set backs, and kick me in the butt when I get lazy. To these amazing people I want them to know the depth of my gratitude and love. I do not think they realize how their kind and positive words helped me as I struggled in my journey...but there have been others who would have discouraged me, or counted me out, or bypassed me all together... to them I say...
I determine my path. I make the choice. I am responsible for where I am and where I want to go. Either help me...or get out of my way

1 comment:

Thanh said...

Sue, you are an example of a strong woman.

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