Monday, June 8, 2009

...stepping away..

This past week and a half has been difficult for me....but today for some reason I feel better. More optimistic with more hope that all will be okay. A friend of mine last week told me that I can't control what others do or their reaction to things...and for some reason it didn't click until now. I'm a fixer by sitting back and just letting things go has never been easy for me...I'm usually the kind of person that likes to put everything on the table so any misunderstandings can be squashed...but soemtimes the answer is to step away. I'm not a quitter so regardless of the situation especially if it has to do with people I care about I will fight to make things right...but...maybe that is not always the answer. So I'm going to take my friends advice...finally :) and take my cue from the serenity prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Maybe the "wisdom" part is finally kicking in. Maybe this is just one of those things that I cannot change...


Mr. Ativalu said...

Here's a little wisdom for you that the great Queen RuPaul shared recently... 'What people think about you is none of your business' Very wise words from a Queen.

And here are some from your own brother.... Do not waste your energy on things that weaken your spirit. Yes when misunderstandings happen you usual put it all out there and clear the air BUT that is only if BOTH parties are willing participants. If you're the only one 'clearing the air' then the other party is not meant to be in the presence of your spirit. Stop trying to fix shit, just flush it down with the rest of the ki'o. LOVE YOU :) lol

****SUE**** said...

LOL How did I know if ever somebody quoted RuPaul to me it would be you LOL. Thanks for the advice bro. Love you too :)

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