Saturday, June 26, 2010

...Through the eyes of a child...

...So last week I sat in a class where they talked about what a child feels or sees going through the social services system and it took me back to my own feelings of being a child in an unstable family situation. I love my parents. They did the very best by us kids with what they knew. Though I will touch on a few of my own experiences I don't want to get too deep into their history right least not at this time. But what I will say is they probably stayed together longer than they should have. I know they loved each other at different times in their marriage and their love for us kids was evident to me. But towards the end ...they were together probably just for us kids.

Before my mom got sick they would fight all the time. Its a sad but perhaps common story...that was probably duplicated many times, in different homes on our block, in our neighborhood, and throughout our community.

I remember staying up late at night just waiting to hear my dads car pull up in front of our apartment. Just to make sure he came back...and seeing my mom cook and clean and take care of us kids all day ...then stay up late playing solitaire all night in the kitchen while listening to Elvis or Conway Twitty and smoking her Benson and Hedges. In retrospect I wonder if my mom was waiting for him too. I have written much about my mom in my blogs...she was strong and loving and sacrificed so much for her family...but I know she loved my dad so much and did everything she could to try and salvage their relationship.

At one point I remember they had been fighting/arguing and my mom decided to stay at my uncles house a couple of blocks from our apartment. So she would be at home with all of us until my dad got home at night, then she would leave and he would watch us. I remember one night in particular. My mom had asked all of us kids if we wanted to go with her to spend the night at my uncles. Nobody wanted to go... I didn't really want to either but I didn't want her to feel that we didn't want to be with her...or that we were choosing my dad over her. I must have been 7 or 8 at the time.

So when my dad came home I waited until he was in the kitchen to walk out of the apartment. I didn't want him to see me, because I didn't want him to think badly of me or that I was choosing sides. So I waited in the car for my mom. When she finally came down she opened up the glove compartment where she pulled out some diapers for my baby brother and told me to go back upstairs to give them to my dad. I panicked...I didn't want to go back up there and see my dad...but you do not talk back to your parents in a Polynesian household. So I went back up to the apartment and knocked on the door dad answered the door, but it looked like he thought I was staying and he began walking away...I stopped him and told him I just came to bring the diapers up and that I was going with my looking back he might not have even been bothered that I decided to go with my mom....but in the version in my head and what I dad didn't say anything but I will never forget the hurt expression he had on his face before walking away to go back in the kitchen. My dads expression is still seared in my memories.

That hurts my heart to think of that now...I remember deciding that night as I was lying down in my uncles house that in order for both of my parents to know that I love them and that I am not choosing sides I am going to love my mom one week, then love my dad the next week. I would just go back and forth, ...that way I'm not choosing sides and I show them that I love them equally. As I look back now I wonder how I came up with my plan? ...Or why did my 8 year old brain feel that would work?

Probably not the best idea I have come up with...but as a child you do what you can with what limited knowledge you do have. Children are resilient and they are smarter and are more observant than people give them credit for. If there is fighting, arguing, or even a change in the love you have for each other as a know...then they try to make sense of it...and see if there is anyway they can fix things.

Why am I writing this???...probably to purge some of these old memories...but also to put it out there in hopes that it does some kind of good for someone else.

Thinking of my childhood makes me want to do so much for my future family, for my nieces and nephews and for any child I will be blessed to cross paths with. As hard as some of the things were that I went through as a child...if it at all assists me in helping a child would have all been worth it.

I know some who read this might feel some sort of pity for me...Please do not for one minute feel sorry for me...I have said it before and I still feel just as strongly about this right bunch of miracles strung together by a few difficult times and opportunities to grow. I truly am so very blessed. I am who I am because of the experiences I have gone through. These have been my greatest teachers.

To close this monster long novel of a blog I just want to end with a quote by one of my favorite Presidents of the church...
Howard W. Hunter gave this counsel to husbands that also applies to wives: "One of the greatest things a father can do for his children is to love their mother."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ready?...Get set!!!!!...Goals!!


So for the last little bit I have been walking out at Sugar House Park. It has not been easy but it's essential if I am to reach some health goals that I have made. I really don't like running...but I desire to LOVE IT!! I dread it...I can barely do it...and right now if I am thinking about it ...I get tired already. However, I really want to lean how to love it. You know how there are those people that say weird stuff like...
"I love running!! I love to feel the burn!! or I cannot miss my run today!!"
Yeah...well I would like to be weird like that.

So I was talking with a friend of mine the other day and she says "You need to set a goal...and do it"....mainly because if I just say eventually I will...I most likely will never get around to doing it. So after much reflection and thought we made the decision that in 6 weeks I would be able to run all the way around Sugarhouse Park. Now that might be small kine to everyone else....but for me's huge. So the date is set for the 27Th of July. I'm excited yet still feel that dread that comes when I start to put on my shoes to go out there...but I figure in time i will get use to it...and hopefully one day even look forward to it.

So that is the short term goal. The long term goal is next year I want to organize a 5k run/walk/bike/skateboard etc to end homelessness. Now there are a lot of 5K's that happen in Utah but none that I found to help end homelessness...and I want the money to go towards the Homeless Youth Resource Center (to help build a shelter) and to benefit the 2 detox facilities for Volunteers of America.

Now I have no idea how to do this. I don't know what it would entail, who to contact, or where even to begin, BUT when has my lack of knowledge ever stopped me before???:). So the search is on to figure out how to accomplish this. This would also help me in my health goal...because if you're going to organize a 5 k...I would think you better be prepared to run it.

So those are the two goals I came up with this week....And I have not forgotten my EVEREST GOAL...I'm still working on that and will be dying..opps I mean hiking to Lake Blanche on July 10th in an effort to prepare for Emerald Lake... Imma get there y'all,I might be struggling, out of breath, and swearing the whole way up there but Imma get there.. you watch.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


1 a : the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires : delight b : the expression or exhibition of such emotion : gaiety
2 : a state of happiness or felicity : bliss
3 : a source or cause of delight

Been thinking a lot about "joy" lately...if we are that we might have...why aren't we more joyful?? Now granted sometimes life freeken sucks lemons...and being "joyful" just ain't gonna happen..but what about other times? For me there are times that I am just going through the motions of what I need to do...but I think I need to take more time to enjoy my enjoy the people around enjoy my environment..and the great learning opprotunities I've been blessed with.
...Anyways just one of my random thoughts that have been on my mind lately.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I had dinner with a new mom. She looked... different. Not really physically different, but there was a marked difference in her eyes...there is this deep reservoir of love that wasn't necessarily there before. I not only seen it as she told me of all the things that have happened to her since the birth of her child... but I could feel it in my heart as she spoke. I have seen it when she has spoken about her husband...but it was especially evident tonight when she spoke about her child. Do all mothers have that? I am sure the love you would feel for your spouse would be equally as deep. I would suppose it is a feeling that involves loving someone so completely and unconditionally ....and with everything in your heart.

It was one of the most beautiful things I have witnessed today.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Just saw one of the most beautiful sunsets...and now it looks like there is going to be a lightening storm....for some reason this poem came to mind. It's one of my favorites...Invictus is a Latin word meaning "unconquerable"...and one of my favorite lines in this poem is... "My head is bloody, but unbowed."

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

....Field of dreams....

I had a dream a number of years ago that was very vivid. If I close my eyes I can still see the golden colors and the blue sky as if it were real. I am not exactly sure why this is coming up now...but the images have been lingering in the peripheral of my mind lately. So here is a journal entry I wrote about it.....

I had a pretty intense dream last started out just overlooking this golden wheat field...set against this intense and vibrant blue looks beautiful, but as the view goes closer and closer I see an opening in the wheat field and notice something like a black cocoon. I am maybe a few feet from this thing on the ground and notice that it is a person but not only are they wrapped in chains but they are also covered in tar. Then suddenly my view changes and I am the one that is tarred and chained. I struggle against the chains for what seems like a lifetime trying to somehow get lose. Because of the tar and the way I'm positioned my view of things around me is limited...but I can see that there is someone close by, but for some reason I refuse to ask for help. So I struggle, and twist and turn..for what seems like the entire energy is spent and in tears I ask whoever it is to please help me...there is no immediate answer ..then again humbled and defeated I cry out for help. Then my vision of the dream changes and I am like an outsider looking in. I see myself lying there tarred, chained and crying then I see the end of the chain and I slowly follow it with my eyes and I see the person that is holding the chain...the one that I called out to...was me.

I remember I woke up from this dream in tears and I felt like I had to write it in my journal. So now looking back it makes me think of a few things.

1. I'm pretty stubborn and prideful at times... Even when I knew someone was close by I refused to ask for help at first....and instead spent the entire night (or so it seemed)struggling and trying to get free on my own.

2. I ultimately decide what will hold me back...I decide where and when to put down my pride and whether or not I let the obstacles in front of me become roadblocks that stop my progress or if I instead see them as an opportunity to become teachable and learn new ways to overcome, grow and be better.

Its definitely easy to recognize the things that might hold me back and say what I should do....The more difficult task will be actually putting what I learn into practice.... To really be teachable and be willing to do the work will take some time...but I'm grateful for the opportunity to try.