So for the last little bit I have been walking out at Sugar House Park. It has not been easy but it's essential if I am to reach some health goals that I have made. I really don't like running...but I desire to LOVE IT!! I dread it...I can barely do it...and right now if I am thinking about it ...I get tired already. However, I really want to lean how to love it. You know how there are those people that say weird stuff like...
"I love running!! I love to feel the burn!! or I cannot miss my run today!!"Yeah...well I would like to be weird like that.
So I was talking with a friend of mine the other day and she says "You need to set a goal...and do it"....mainly because if I just say eventually I will...I most likely will never get around to doing it. So after much reflection and thought we made the decision that in 6 weeks I would be able to run all the way around Sugarhouse Park. Now that might be small kine to everyone else....but for me ...it's huge. So the date is set for the 27Th of July. I'm excited yet still feel that dread that comes when I start to put on my shoes to go out there...but I figure in time i will get use to it...and hopefully one day even look forward to it.
So that is the short term goal. The long term goal is next year I want to organize a 5k run/walk/bike/skateboard etc to end homelessness. Now there are a lot of 5K's that happen in Utah but none that I found to help end homelessness...and I want the money to go towards the Homeless Youth Resource Center (to help build a shelter) and to benefit the 2 detox facilities for Volunteers of America.
Now I have no idea how to do this. I don't know what it would entail, who to contact, or where even to begin, BUT when has my lack of knowledge ever stopped me before???:). So the search is on to figure out how to accomplish this. This would also help me in my health goal...because if you're going to organize a 5 k...I would think you better be prepared to run it.

So those are the two goals I came up with this week....And I have not forgotten my EVEREST GOAL...I'm still working on that and will be dying..opps I mean hiking to Lake Blanche on July 10th in an effort to prepare for Emerald Lake... Imma get there y'all,I might be struggling, out of breath, and swearing the whole way up there but Imma get there.. you watch.
1 comment:
Sue!! love it!! awesome job with your work outs and your goals!! keep it up you are going to get there! yup, you will. i've finally come back to my senses and started blogging last month. still trying to get myself out there. come and check out me my craziness when you need a break from detox!! take care and keep up the great work!! love ya!
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