Thursday, January 5, 2012


I was at a meeting last night and saw this painting of Queen Esther from the Old Testament. It is one of my very favorite paintings.
To me Esther is the epitome of courage and strong character. She had made the decision to risk her life to save her people from genocide.
Anywhere along her path she could've decided that she loved her life as Queen and wouldn't jeopardize that for others, or that it was too hard to do, or that she'd rather do something else.
But she didn't...she put the needs of others above her own "If I perish, I perish". This artists rendition captures Esther's resolve. Her posture and her eyes reveal her strength. She has made her decision, she will stay the course...come what may.
She's pretty awesome.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

You are pretty awesome, too.

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