Yesterday I had a rough day at work. It wasn't anymore stressful then a regular day at detox except that I was training a new employee and dealing with other staff issues. Which isn't a big deal really. Know that I walked into my position with my eyes wide open and with it very clear what would be expected of me. So I have no problem with doing my job or the work involved in it. But yesterday as I was going through the day and dealing with staff and clients....I felt a weight added on to my shoulders. I think partly it had to do with the fact that it was the end of the week, also I didn't get much sleep the night by the time I was walking out the door I could feel the stress of the day on my shoulders. So I started driving out to Draper to go to my friend Beckys house for dinner normally the drive south on the 15 kills me...the traffic sucks...and it takes forever but yesterday...I just took my time driving out there. I was blasting three songs, 0ne was "Authority Song" by Jimmy Eat World, "Lazy Eye" by Silversun Pickups, and "Phantom Limb" by the Shins. Now I don't know exactly what those songs are talking about but for some reason...those were the three songs yesterday that slowly started to release the tension of the day for me.

The sun was in a position in the sky that I just thought was beautiful and slowly on my journey to Draper I was letting go of every conversation, every interaction, every stress, every concern that I had that day. The windows were down, my music was blasting, and I was driving....and all of that floated out of my mind and from my shoulders...and escaped on the winds.
Awesome Pic.... I could totally see you rocking out to the authority song ........and then others driving by and giving you strange looks because a "poly" is cruising to the Shins! LOL!!!
I, too, get inspired and calmed by driving to Draper. The traffic, the strong smell of cow manure...*loooong sniff*...aaaaaahhhhhh, so relaxing!
I'm sorry I'm a major contribution to your stress! =( I'll beat you on guitar hero to make up for it! hehehe!
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