...I am uncomfortable with what's comfortable...no not really. Actually before I moved to Utah I was really comfortable with comfortable...there is no guessing involved ...you know what you are doing day in and day out...your comfortable with the people around you and you don't really care about adding to the mix... comfortable reminds me of my dad's recliner...comfy warm and safe. But there is no growth in whats comfortable...and staying safe and comfy in your comfort zone...means you possibly could be missing out on what's beyond...wonderful experiences, new people that can strengthen and inspire you, places you've never been before...essentially things that can alter your life and take it in a totally different direction.... Now on the flip side of that, putting yourself out there.... IS A HUGE RISK. Are you willing to risk possible failure, embarrassment, rejection, and shame? Now before I give you my thoughts on that question...let me tell you a little bit about Thomas Edison the inventor of the light bulb...it is said that he had 10,000 failures before he finally invented a working light bulb...other reports claim that it was 3,000, but regardless of the number...that much failure has to start to weigh heavy on you. I don't know how he did it...but he never gave up. I'm sure he was ridiculed, laughed at, and disheartened by everything..but somehow he worked through it, he persevered..He did it! Now back to the question at hand..am I willing to risk possible failure, embarrassment, rejection, and shame? If you asked me about an hour or so ago my answer though in the affirmative...would've been a little weak and teary. But that was an hour ago... It'll get stronger by the minute. As hard as some attempts to put yourself out there are...it is inevitably worth the risk...comfortable is claustrophobic to me...Don't worry y'all imma get mine,... no matter how many times I have to try. One down 9,999 more to go! :)
1 comment:
sis... you are so right!
i am struggling with that on the daily. anthony and i are moving to alabama and i already miss being COMFORTABLE. yet the call of the unknown beckons me.
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