So a mission friend of mine posted on my page and asked, "What have you been doing for the past 15 years?" I wrote back with a general response that answered the question for the moment. Some short list of things like ...school, work, traveling etc. But the question bothered me for a bit and actually still does. Then another question came to my mind "Am I where I am suppose to be at this juncture in my life? Did I accomplish what I should have accomplished by age....30 something :) Did I make the right decisions when a significant life change/choice was at stake? " The honest answer to that is "I don't know". I am not an overachiever by any stretch of the imagination and so It's not like I had a list of 100 and 1 things to do by age ...30 something..but as I look back I can't help but worry about the "what If's". Now before I get the calls...or most likely the txt's to check if I'm depressed...I am not depressed!....maybe just a little reflective... Okay so I know already..."Onward and up ward! Don't look back but keep moving forward! You can't change the past so make a better future! I know all the advice that I am sure is in the mind of those who read this...AND I know nothing can change the choices I have made...but in my heart I can't help but think that I possibly missed out on something great or missed out on being more than I am now....if that makes any sense. Now there is no possible way to know if that is true...and of course the opposite of that is I probably dodged some major bullets with the choices I've made but...it just made me think. And is it possible to change your course so late in the game...(okay so it's not majorly late but you know what I mean.) Actually the real question....If I am being totally honest with myself is....Do I have the courage now to be ...MORE.. and to do the work necessary to attain the goals I have in this life? I'm not going to lie there are more days then I would care to admit where I am hitting the snooze button on my life....but for today ...I would say the answer is "Yes"....but then again, it's only about 6:30 in the morning :)
1 comment:
'Bone Bone Bone Bone.. Bone.. Bone.. Bone.. Bone.. Bone'
....yeah, that's all I got for now. lol y'know how I feel we already talked about this ;)
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