So if you haven't read my friends blog might want to take a quick glance before you read this one....
So I am not recanting anything I wrote about what I think a good friend is BUT....I have come to the realization that if I am being a "TRUE FRIEND" Honest to goodness "True Friend" (mind you this is my definition...y'all can define it any other way you want)I would not expect the same in return. Reciprocity is a beautiful thing...but it's not that easy to come by. I mean I'm sure if you really think about it you can count on one hand your friends who by your standards are "true friends". But does that mean we should be less of a friend to those who don't find it a priority to see how you are doing, or are concerned with what you are going through. I don't know.... everyone will have to answer that on their own. I guess it's just whatever you are comfortable with, but for me it was an eye opening experience. My feeling is that we are here in this mess of a life to help one another be there for eachother and to uplift one another. I think people come and go in our lives for a reason. A lesson for us to learn, an opprotunity to give help, a test in patience lol, to show us a better example...the list is endless...BUT.. My hope and my prayer this morning was to not put any expectations on any of my friends, but just to be there. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to my truest friends (you know who you are:)) who have stuck by me when I was not fit to be around. Thanks for your example and Love.