So I just got back to Utah from Hawaii. The whole time I was there my heart just felt full of love for my family, for Laie and for Hawaii in general. The drive home is probably my favorite drive..you got the Koolau mountain range on the left of you, and the beach on the right. It was beyond beautiful and I knew it would be a little while before I would see it again. The next morning I got up about 5:00am and just could not go back to sleep...so I jumped in my sisters car and headed for "the Point". When I was at home I would go to the point a lot to think...or to eat :) or to chill...and i kept thinking about being home. Though I love being in Laie, and being so far away from my sisters is difficult, I knew that right now Laie isn't where I should be at this time in my life. That's been hard for me to swallow...to illustrate the point further let me just add that I have been back to Laie 14 times in the last year since I've moved to Utah.... yup I know that is a bit excessive. But this last time while watching the sunrise at the point I finally got it...letting go has been hard...but I know that I need to enjoy the journey and not just wait for it to be over...if you know what I mean. (referring to my time in Utah) So i decided since I have one more day here at home I'm just going to enjoy it with the people I love...I went to visit my Uncle Misi (my mom's brother) who told me that he was so proud of me for being out there on my own and not ending up in a cardboard box...but when was I going to hurry up and come home:) If you knew my Uncle you would know this was said in love. Spending time with my sisters when I'm home is always my favorite part of my trip. I miss all the laughing and the talks and just being around them. (They are a whole other blog all on there own so I won't get into them yet.) So this has been a really good trip for me. A lot of people have asked me why I moved in the first place...I usually just say "for school" which is an answer but a little incomplete. Initially when I decided that I needed to get my masters I had made the decision to move to the Bay Area. I felt good about it and I have two brothers that live in Cali not to mention numerous family members so I started to make plans to do that. Then one day I was on that drive home again from Kaneohe and I felt a strong impression that I should move to Utah, I had been praying to know if Cali was the right place to move to and I felt that I just got my answer. Now anyone who knows me would know that Utah would be my very last choice when choosing a place to move to. So I did a lot of, "Utah!!??, Are you sure Lord?" prayers...I had visited a cousin of mine twice in Utah and I hated it both times...but after I knew that Utah was where I should be I felt a lot better about it. So here I sit ...in Utah... with hopefully a better outlook and attitude about being here. I really have been blessed to meet a lot of great people here and to find a job I love, and hopefully I'll be able to actually get back to school in the next year or so. But my prayer is that I stay open to change and new opportunities despite how scary it may seem...so I'll continue my journey...I don't know where it'll lead me but ...I'll keep ya posted.
1 comment:
Scary but the ride is pretty interesting don'tcha think?
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