Alvin (5 years old): Hello?
Me: Hi Alvin it's Aunty Sue?
Alvin: Hi Aunty When are you coming? (Okay I'm a sucker this totally melts my heart)
Me: Hopefully soon, maybe next weekend. How is school goiong?
Alvin: It's good.
Me: Oh good, do you have a girlfriend yet? (jokingly)
Alvin: Yes.
Me: Yes, you have a girlfriend?! (tripping)
Alvin: Yeah, she doesn't do everything for me in school but she's nice?
Me: So she's your girlfriend?! What's her name?
Alvin: YES Aunty! She's Diana.
Me: Well you make sure you're nice to her. Don't hit her or make her cry.
Alvin: OKay Aunty Love you Ezra wants to talk to you.
Ezra: (9 yr old) Hi Aunty, I have shocking news to tell you.
Me: Oh yeah what is it? You don't have a girlfriend do you?(jokingly)
Ezra: No I have two.
Me: What!? What are their names? (tripping)
Ezra: Daniella and Michelle, They are very nice to me.
Me: What do you mean nice to you?
Ezra: They do nice things for me. (I'm thinking...."Hoochies, trying to get up on my nephew!" What!? so I'm a little protective...I mean I'm not an idiot ..I didn't say that out loud to him.)
Me: Well make sure you treat them nice...and you better be doing your own school work.
Ezra: Don't worry Aunty I'm doing good in school. When are you coming? (Awwww.. again with the heart melting....yeah so I have embraced my own's my blog I can make up my own words)
Me: Hopefully soon.
Ezra: Ok Aunty here's Iree, Love you.
Iree:(13 year old) Hi Aunty what are you up to?
Me: I'm just driving down to Lehi, how are you?
Iree: I'm good.
Me: Did you know your brothers have girlfriends?
Iree: Ewww Aunty!
Me: I'm serious! You know what you have to do right?
Iree: be grossed out?
Me: No you have to go and check out these girls to make sure they are nice. (I'm really thinking...interrogate them to make sure they aren't Hoochies)
Iree: Aunty don't worry I think they might be imaginary.
Me: Iree I do not think your brothers have imaginary girlfriends. So you better handle that.
Iree: Eww aunty...the boys having girlfriends? Eww!! Okay I guess I can handle it.
Me: Anyways how are you?
Iree: I'm miserable! I hate it here I want to go back home to Hawaii. (I'm thinking...yeah I'd like to go back home too.)
Me: I know it's hard right now but give it some time you just need to find good friends and get use to Vegas.
Iree: I don't have good friends Aunty. One of my friends was smoking weed. (ALARMS GOING OFF IN MY HEAD)
OKay so obviously my conversation with my neice was a lot longer..I had to give her the whole "Drug" lecture. And how bad drugs are etc. (She assured me that she thinks drugs are stupid.) And all the while I'm praying she will feel like that ALWAYS!!. Then I was just trying to reassure her, that somehow no matter how hard or difficult her situation is that she'll make it through this. She cried, (yes ..again my heart breaks because she's so hurt and I'm truly helpless to ease anything she's going through) She expressed to me how she hasn't found any good friends and how hard that is for her. I just listened to her (thinking to myself how have I always been blessed to have good people around me when my neice is struggling to find someone to connect with) I'm a fixer by seeing my neice or anyone struggle is hard ...especially when you want to just jump in and help and do anything you can do to ease their burden. But sometimes... maybe we just have to ride it out with them...and give them the opprotunity to vent about their situation without trying to fix everything...that's a lesson I'm still trying to learn.
So what is the morale of this blog....hmmm I think there might be a few...
1. Don't think you can date my nephews if you're a skank
2. I'm a sucker where my neices and nephews are concerned
4. Being helpless to do anything when someone you love or care about is in pain...SUCKS!!
Here are some pictures of my neices and nephews who live in Vegas:




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