So it has been quite awhile since I put my thoughts on ...line :) A lot has happened since I last posted. Gained some friends, lost some friends, gained perspective, lost perspective, loss some weight, gained it back :), decided the kinds of things I didn't need in my life, and realized yet again what the most important things in my life are.
So hmmmm what to write about first..."
Gained some friends and lost some friends" well I've always felt that you'll be able to count on one hand the friends that you'll =be able to count on. The ones that'll be there for you and know you enough to cut through your bullcrap to get to what you really mean or really need. The ones who need no convincing when it comes to the kind of person you are. Well unfortunately alot of my really close friends do not reside in this I thought to's time to branch out, and make new friends...I found a couple that I thought were promising new friends...but I definitely think some people come into your life just to teach a lesson...and then they bounce right out...that's how it was with these friends. They taught me a lot of things but probably one of the most important things I re-learned was the kind of people I want...
and don't want in my life. They made me grateful for the people in my life who are honest, straight up, and genuine.
I'm still open to meeting new people and gaining new friendships..I definitely love meeting new people...but believe me I'll be more cautious from here on out.
Now the whole "
perspective" thing...well my whole reason to come to Utah was for grad school. I've been here for a year and a half and was seriously trying to figure out why I'm still here...I couldn't figure out what to go into, I've been having doubts about being able to go to school and work full time, I've also just been doubting whether it is worth it.. Can I be happy with where I am at right now?. As all of these things were running through my head... I realised that what I have right now is not enough....and to be able to progress and become a better case manager, couselor, or whatever else I want to be...I need to go back to school. I have finally decided to go to school to get my MSW. I am really excited and feel more focused then I have been... I spoke to a co-worker of mine and just got really excited about the program. So cross your fingers, wish me luck, and send some prayers my way...I'll need as many as I can get.
Okay the "
loss weight, gain weight" thing is....ummm self explanatory :) Now it's back on the wagon again...and hopefully I can get myself back on a routine. I really want to go hiking..I'm not a big fan of the treadmill....I can't tell you how many times I have fallen off of one. I like being outside...loved biking and going for walks outside. So I'm trying to get back on a schedule...and we'll see how it goes. I'm optimistic and feeling rather happy about it :)
Now the "
most important things in my life". Well my faith and my family are the most important things to me. As for my testimony is still rock solid...but have I been doing everything I need to do to continue to nurture it?...the answer to that is no. I've been traveling a lot on the weekends and have missed more church then I care to admit. My prayers have been rushed and my scripture study has been...nonexistant as of late. I have been leaning on my own understanding for awhile...and believe me it has not served me well..I have been longing lately to go to the temple, but have felt unworthy to go because of all that I have not been doing....and yet the longing gets stronger and stronger each day. The blessing of the gospel is that the Lord meets us where we are at....and right now I'm pretty low....yet today my heart feels light and I feel that it's time to get things back in order. I love My Heavenly Father and the gospel and am thankful for yet another opprotunity to change my course.
My family...what can I say about them...I love them all. They inspire me and just thinking about them makes me want to be better and do better. I think about them especially when I want to throw in the towel out here..and it gives me the strength to try again. Thank you guys for your prayers on my behalf..I have needed every single one of them.